discount promotion

10% discount!

when purchasing a 3-day,

2-night ticket for Fri-Sat-Sun

🤍👀 2박 3일 티켓 구매시 제공되는

할인 혜택을 놓치지 마세요!

2 0 2 3


World Traditional

Art Festival

세계인과 함께하는

3박 4일의 예술 축제 + 히피 캠프!

🥳Art festival and hippie camp

with people around the world!

🌏 Background for

preparing this project.


Independent Traditional Art Society

without any Financial Suport.

with the visions of self-sustaining

traditional art in korea.

🍀 Enjoy and Share the traditional art

all over the world together!!!

페스티벌 개최 배경

🍀 주식회사 컴퍼니들림은

전통음악의 세계화와 대중화를 목표로 하는


🍀 지원에 의존하지 않는 -

자생 가능하고, 지속 가능한

건강한 전통예술 생태계를

비전으로 하고 있습니다.

🍀 전 세계 아티스트들이 모여

각자의 문화와 예술을

마음껏 나누고 즐기는!

'정말 재밌는 축제'를

만들고 싶습니다.

🌏 media coverage.

🍀 Media report (Chungcheong Today): 

"Yeongdong-gun engraves wishes

on the thousand-year-old road of Mt. Minju"

언론보도(충청투데이) :

"영동군, 민주지산 천년옛길에 염원을 새기다"


🍀 Media report (N News): 

"<Mulhan Valley,

Connecting a Thousand Year Old Road>

Demonstration of Rock Calligraphy"

언론보도(N뉴스) :

"<물한계곡, 천년 옛길을 잇다> 바위 켈리그라피 시연"


🍀 Media report (Newsis):

"Minju Mountain Mulhan Valley

Tourism Association wishes

Yeongdong World Gugak Expo"

언론보도(뉴시스) :

"민주지산 물한계곡관광협, 영동세계국악엑스포 기원"


🍀 broadcast report

(HCN Chungbuk Broadcasting):

"An event to

host the Korean Traditional Music Expo

in Mulhan Valley, Yeongdong"

방송 보도 (HCN 충북방송):

"영동 물한계곡서 국악엑스포 유치 기원 행사"


🍀 Media report (Chungcheong Media):

"2023 World Traditional Arts Festival

Yeongdong Mulhan Valley"

언론보도(충청미디어) : 

"2023 세계전통예술페스티벌 영동 물한계곡에서"


🍀 Media report (Chungbuk Ilbo): 

"'<World Traditional Arts Festival>

in Yeongdong Mulhan Valley

in September

언론보도(충북일보) : 

"영동 물한계곡서 9월 <세계 전통예술 페스티벌>"


🍀 Media report (Korea Photo Broadcasting):

"Come to Mulhan Valley!

2023 World Traditional Arts Festival"

언론보도(한국사진방송) : 

"물한계곡으로 오라, 온 2023 세계전통예술페스티벌"


discount promotion

10% discount!

when purchasing a 3-day,

2-night ticket for Fri-Sat-Sun

🤍👀 2박 3일 티켓 구매시 제공되는

할인 혜택을 놓치지 마세요!

🌏 directions

2 0 2 3



Art Festival

🍀 Address:

700 Mulhan Valley-ro, Sangchon-myeon,

Yeongdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do

*주소 : 충북 영동군 상촌면 물한계곡로 700

Finding directions on NAVER

👉 카카오로 길찾기 (클릭)

Finding directions on Kakao

👉 네이버로 길찾기 (클릭)

🍀 When using public transportation

From September 9th (Friday)

to September 10th (Sunday)

festival period

Yeongdong Station ↔ Festival Place

Shuttle Bus runs

once to three times a day!

(Detailed timetable released

in early August)

Let's Join the Carbon Reduction!

Special souvenirs are prepared

for those who visit by

public transportation :)

🚄 대중교통 이용 시.

9/9 (금) ~ 9/10 (일) 페스티벌 기간 中

하루 1~3회 영동역↔페스티벌 장소 間

셔틀버스가 운행됩니다!

(운행 시간표 8월 초 공개)

*탄소 감축에 동참해요!

대중교통으로 방문하신 분께는

특별한 기념품이 준비되어 있습니다😉

2 0 2 3




2023 세계전통예술페스티벌

🥇공식 메인 스폰서🥇


2023 세계전통예술페스티벌

공식 협력 파트너





2023 세계전통예술페스티벌

릴레이 응원 영상



1. 2023 WTAF Hippie Camp loves nature

and aims for peace and cooperation

that has left thought and philosophy.

2. Please avoid exposure to

social status such as

academic background, occupation

as much as possible!

3. Zero Waste Festival:

All visitors, including staff,

management, and artists, are prohibited

from discharging garbage

and using various disposable products.

*🍴 Provides survival kits

and garbage bags consisting

of cups, tableware, and fixtures

*Principle of self-collection

of generated garbage

4. Support all activities

that support carbon reduction.

(Giving souvenirs when using public transportation)

5. Those selected for

hippie queen and hippie king are invited

as ambassadors for

the 2024 World Traditional Arts Festival.

6. Excessive drinking can harm your health.

7. Please apply for the singing contest

to the management headquarters in advance!

8. The World Traditional Arts Festival

is a festival created and operated

by artists purely without the support

of the state or company.

We always welcome your support!

*There are donation receipts and tax benefits.

*We are also grateful for the donation of items.

*Contact us about sponsorship or donation!

📞 02-6406-9619   📧

🤗 Contact Kakao Talk

9. All schedules are subject to

change depending on the situation in the field.

All programs are made up of

your autonomous participation.

10. Naturalistic meals are

healthy foods made with sincerity