world music
월드뮤직 아티스트
Meet traditional arts based on
knowledge and understanding of musical instruments
and cultural spheres.
Comprehensive matching
such as number of people,
amount, time, availability of collaboration, etc.
Coexistence of artists:
Encouragement of
young and emerging artists
and creation of opportunities.
악기/문화권에 대한 지식과 이해를 바탕으로
활동하는 월드뮤직 & 전통예술 아티스트
인원, 금액, 시간, 콜라보 가능 여부 등
종합적 매칭 솔루션
예술인 상생:
수요·공급 매칭을 통한
청년·신진예술인 활동 장려와 기회 창출
퍼포먼스와 무용
flamenco dancer, Korea-Spain International Exhibition Invited Artist
La Cobriza (ANNA) flamenco dancer, Korea-Spain International Exhibition Invited Artist
Solo jazz, swing dancer, Multiple awards in the Korean swing jazz category
Andrew HongSolo jazz, swing dancer, Multiple awards in the Korean swing jazz category
contemporary dance artist
Alicecontemporary dance artist
calligraphy performance, Seoul Arts Center-Hangaram Art Museum Artist
Lucia Choicalligraphy performance, Seoul Arts Center-Hangaram Art Museum Artist
ballet dancer
Hong Ji-sooballet dancer
Street Dancer, Modern Dance
StevenStreet Dancer, Modern Dance
Kpop girl group dance
camillaKpop girl group dance
Cultural art planner and artistic director, World music commentator and music writer, World Art Humanities Lecturer
Ye FeelCultural art planner and artistic director, World music commentator and music writer, World Art Humanities Lecturer
Impromptu world music appreciation and art activities (collage) 1-day class
World Music Collage TherapyImpromptu world music appreciation and art activities (collage) 1-day class
4-week intensive class to enhance flamenco skills
Intensive Flamenco Class4-week intensive class to enhance flamenco skills
Tour program offering Korean traditional tea & music experience
Korean traditional tea & musicTour program offering Korean traditional tea & music experience
Folk song curriculum by artist Choi Youn Young, aiming for stage debut
Practical Folk Song LectureFolk song curriculum by artist Choi Youn Young, aiming for stage debut
A special lecture where you can learn the music that the Beatles loved, Indian raga music, in theory and practice.
Raga Music LectureA special lecture where you can learn the music that the Beatles loved, Indian raga music, in theory and practice.
Are you having trouble
contacting ARTIST?
Real-time KakaoTalk consultation
provides solutions!
"아티스트 컨택이 어려우시다면?"
실시간 카톡 상담으로
솔루션을 제공받으실 수 있어요!
Sanyuhwa Atelier, 3rd floor, 105,
Jongam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
+82 (0)2-6406-9619
(Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00)
016 Yeonji Square, Indeok University,
12 Choansan-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
© by Deullim Inc. All Rights Reserved.
주식회사 컴퍼니들림 | 대표 : 최윤영 | 본사 : 서울특별시 노원구 초안산로 12 연지스퀘어 016 사업자 등록번호 : 850-88-015-14 | 통신판매업신고 : 제2020-서울노원-1941호 / 02-6406-9619
Company Deullim Inc. | CEO: Choi Yoon-young | 850-88-015-14 | Mail Order Sales Report: 2020-Seoul Nowon-1941
World music artist